Navajo Pre-Flight Inspection

    Pre-Flight Checksheet

    • MM slash DD slash YYYY
      (Illness, Medication, Stress, Alcohol, Fatigue, Eating)
      (Verify category and within limits for planned flight)
    • FuelOil 
    • RunwayCrosswindHeadwind 
    • Take-OffLanding
      SPP/ ADB/RPP/PPL/CPL/ Medical/ ROC-A
      SPP: 15days/ PPL: 30 days/ CPL: 60 days
    • Transport Canada requires you to obtain a full pre-flight and post flight briefing. Please enter the name of your instructor or his/her delegate that provided you with the briefing.
      1. Access the Dep/Arr tab in FlightLogger 2. Find your flight 3. Confirm lesson plan, aircraft, instructor 4. Click on the thumbs up and acknowledge